Friday, February 22, 2008

I need your opinion, friends and family

Hello to all the Cash friends and family! We are a family that loves to travel! Two of my daughters have lived in Europe for extended periods of time and Charles and I both lived and studied in Europe in 1974. As youv'e seen in this blog, Liz lives on the other side of the country and now travels coast to coast racing bikes of various kinds. We love to travel: planes, boats, cars and bikes! Soooooo, as you know, I've been contemplating buying a travel website that can provide unbelievably good deals to my family and friends. I just want your input as to what we should name the website. It will basically be Travelocity with my own company's name on it. As a result, I can offer friends and families discounts on travel and get a commission myself.
My question to you is...what should I call it? I'm thinking of Of course anyone can use it! I'll also be able to sell the travel sites to others so I thought we might want to expand it to HudnallFamilyTravel, MayoFamilyTravel, or SpiroFamilyTravel. When one sells a site to another person, the seller then gets a percentage of whatever travel that person books, plus, as a travel agent you can get free upgrades on all your own travel and your own travel becomes 100% tax deductible!
I'd like to get it within the next few days so please get back to me about what you think I should call the site! Thanks a million! See you on the cruise ship??

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