Sunday, November 18, 2007

Final Week-end of Cyclocross Finds Liz Victorious

I've spent the last 30 minutes trying to get these pictures to behave and they won't do it so please know that that the pictureon the right is the group of women starting the race and the second picture is Liz about to pass her final competitor to win the race! This past week-end was her fourth and final week-end doing cyclocross races across the country. If you remember, she started out in Louisville the last week-end in October.
She finished today in New Jersey, coming in third yesterday and first today! She has won all kinds of trophies and merchandise and is pretty happy about it considering that she had never done cyclocross at all until this past Fall. I know I don't have to tell you that she doesn't get this athleticism from me but from my mother and one of my sisters who are extremely athletic as well as competitive! If you want to know more about the sport you can either just "Google" it or go to The sport really started in Europe and is much better know there but it is quickly becoming very popular here.
It really is quite grueling and there seem to b lots of crashes between fast, curvy tracks and then the times when you must jump off your bike and run with it up steps, through sand pits and across hurdles! Amazing!

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